Info Session: Urban Education Semester — Oct. 12

Urban Education Info Session, Oct. 12, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m, Allbritton 103.  Pizza and drinks will be served. 

Through the Urban Education Semester (UES), students spend a semester in New York City, engaged in a combination of supervised fieldwork (primarily teaching but there may be some urban policy placements) and coursework offered by Bank Street College of Education. This interdisciplinary, academic immersion program earns Wesleyan academic credit and introduces students from all academic backgrounds to the complexity of issues facing urban public education. Ideal  program for students interested in urban environments, community development, teaching and learning, and systemic reform. For more information, visit     Applications for the Spring 2011 program are due to Vicky Zwelling in the CRC on Wed. , Nov. 3.

Major Tips #3

While you do not need to get too worried about the connection between your major and your career, you also do not need to get too worried that the career you think you want now will keep you tied to that path forever.  Do you know that people go through an average of 4-5 different jobs  in their lifetime?   It’s important to know that what you do after you graduate from Wesleyan is not necessarily what you will be doing  five, ten or even twenty years later. 

So what might you end up doing?  Go to the CRC to check out the possibilities.   First, get familiar with what kinds of information they have to offer you and then begin to check out the kinds of positions that are available in the different fields.  There are jobs people are doing—making a decent living from AND enjoying—that you haven’t even heard of.  With the rapid transformation in technology today, there will be jobs when you graduate that do not even exist now.  You can always think about creating your own.  Dream away!

And check out the “Choosing a Major” workshop with CRC sophomore liaison, Jim Kubat, at noon, Usdan 110–today.

Choosing a Major — Thurs., 10/7 at noon

How do students choose a major? Why do they choose one major over another? How, if at all, does your choice of major relate to your career direction after graduation? These questions will be addressed as Jim Kubat, sophomore class liaison, shares the career development point-of-view on the process of choosing an undergraduate college major at noon on Thursday, October 7 in Usdan 110.

Major Tips #2

While you want to major in something about which you are passionate or have the depth of interest to sustain your curiosity and inspiration over the next couple of semesters, don’t get too hung up on the connection between your major and career.  Yes, there are those careers, such as, for example, the sciences or economics, in which you do need a particular knowledge background to go on to graduate or professional school.  However, that does not preclude you from majoring in a humanities, another social science or art, as long as you have taken the appropriate courses–and vice-versa.   

What’s important to remember is that your skill in analytic thinking or writing may be perfect for law school.  Your training in theater may be just what is needed for product consultation at Microsoft (yes, truly, this has been a job for a couple of Wes alums).   Your ability to think critically, speak articulately, and write succinctly are as valued as your imagination, creativity and chutzpah.  Your major and career are not necessarily in a one-to-one relationship.    

It’s fascinating to see the myriad number of things that Wes alums have done with their majors.  To check this out, go to  WesCAN in the Career Resource Center bucket in your portfolio.   But first, you need to need to see one of the CRC staff members.  Tsophomore liaison is Jim Kubat  (, but any  staff member is happy to meet with you.  Your visit to the CRC is worth it in more ways than one.

Jim Kubat: Soph Liaison to the CRC

The CRC liaison with the sophomore class is Jim Kubat, Associate Director and Pre-Law Advisor.  He provides general career advising, with a particular focus on careers in law and public service (government and the private nonprofit sector). 

 Jim says, “If a student has not visited the CRC at least once during the first year, it is essential that he/she comes in during the fall of sophomore year and meets with one of our counselors for a full-length appointment.  We want to see everyone: those students with no career plans and those who are further along with their planning.  Explore your options, discuss your goals, review your resume, learn about summer internships, and get on track!”

Go to the CRC!  Get a feel for the office and what is available to you.  It is never too early to explore and discover.

Internships, Jobs, Programs and Summer Plans

If you have not already made plans for the summer, now is the time to do it.  Internships and other volunteer opportunities can have some early deadlines and summer study programs, whether at Wesleyan (summer session, Hughes program), other U.S. colleges, or abroad, have deadlines that are coming up. 

thumbnailCANL5WAYSpend some time either physically or virtually at the Career Resource Center now or  during break to see what opportunities are of interest to you.  There is an internship database on line and in print and some of these offer a stipend, so check it out.   It’s a good way to explore possible career options and gain some skills.

 Getting a start during spring break on summer employment is a smart move!

 So don’t put off summer plans until the summer; open up your options by looking now!

Wes Management Leadership Conference


– OCTOBER 23-26, 2009 –

 This intensive four-day experience has been designed for students who are interested in learning what it takes to be an effective leader and contributor in any career field.  The program is designed for students at Wesleyan who:

thumbnailCAJQ2P9R.       Aspire to pursue top management and leadership positions upon graduation

.       Are ready to begin a path to career success through foresight and determination

 Participantse will be able to obtain a variety of skills critical to career success, such as: 

.       Interacting with experts and executives from top companies, organizations, and institutions

.       Taking part in lectures, hands-on workshops, case studies, and one-on-one mentoring with top Wesleyan alumni and parents in a variety of career fields

.       Spending a day in New York City visiting high-profile industry leaders, such as J.P. Morgan, Zelnick Media, ABC/Disney, Google, Bloomberg, Bowery Resident’s Committee, and Human Rights Watch.

There is a fee and financial aid is available.  To register and for further details go to