The Class of 2013 rocks! It’s time to enter…
Musical Madness III: Competition between the Classes!
News and Information for the Class of 2013
Please note that due to the weather, the first floor mail window and Print Shop will be closed today. Package pickup is still open from the lower level window. Fed Ex and the purchase of stamps are available in Cardinal Technologies Store.
Thank you for your continued patience. – Usdan Administration
Upcoming Educational Opportunities!
Teaching Careers, Thursday, Feb. 3, 7 – 8 p.m., Albritton 103
Three young alumni , 06′ and 09′, will discuss their teaching experiences in public school, their Teach for America experiences, and teaching in independent schools. Dessert will be served. Don’t’ miss this great, informal opportunity to get an insider’s view of “a day in the life of” a teacher, a TFA teacher, and an independent school teacher.
Urban Education Semester Info Session
The URBAN EDUCATION SEMESTER is an interdisciplinary, academic immersion program that introduces students to the theory and practice of urban public education. UES provides real world experiences in community development, teaching, urban issues and public education and is offered in both fall and spring semesters. UES is one of a handful of domestic-approved programs that Wesleyan students may attend for credit. The program combines supervised fieldwork in the NYC schools with coursework and an advisement seminar at Bank St. College of Education. The program also provides real world experiences in community development.
Applications for Fall 2011 due Monday, March 21, noon, Career Resource Center.
Interested but can’t attend info session? Contact Vicky Zwelling at and check the Web site:
MAJOR DECLARATION opens on Thursday, February 3. You’ve done all the hard work already; the actual declaration process is simple. Find “Major Declaration” in the Wes Career bucket located in your student portfolio, and submit your electronic request to your prospective major department or program. A pre-major advisor survey will then pop up that asks you for feedback on your current faculty advisor.
Once you have submitted your major request and the survey, you will get an automated e-mail response from your prospective major with instructions for next steps. Make sure you check your e-mail for this message. You may declare a second major at this time as well or any time in the future (within the department/program’s regulations). When the department or program approves your request, it will appear in the “Major Declaration” application in your portfolio. You’ve got a major!
All sophomores must declare a major by Friday, March 4.
Departmental and Program OPEN HOUSES begin on Monday, February 7 and extend through Friday, February 25. The schedule will be posted by the end of the week on the class blog and on the Major Declaration website, . These open houses are informal and provide the occasion for you to meet the faculty in your prospective major and ask questions. Take advantage of this opportunity!
Need to blow off steam, get fit, and feel good? Come to WesWELL Fitness Classes, beginning this Monday, January 31st! The program now offers: Yoga, Hip Hop and Zumba, Cardio Kickboxing, and WesFit. Contact instructors for details. Times and locations are below.
Vinyasa Flow – All Levels
When: Tuesdays 5:30-7, Wednesdays 5-6:30
Where: Fayerweather Dance Room 108 or Theatre Room 106 (alternates)
Instructor: Maggie Cohen ’12 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $50 for six classes, $85-$125 sliding scale for twelve classes
Hip Hop and Zumba
When: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30
Where: Fayerweather Dance Room 108
Instructor: Jesse Jacobson ’13 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $50 for six classes, $85-$125 sliding scale for twelve classes
When: Fridays 4:30-5:30
Where: Fayerweather Dance Room 108
Instructor: Jesse Jacobson ’13 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $50 for six classes, $85-$125 sliding scale for twelve classes
Cardio Kickboxing
When: Thursdays 5-6, Saturdays 5-6
Where: Fayerweather Dance Room 108 or Theatre Room 106 (alternates)
Instructor: Sylvie Stein ’12 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $50 for six classes, $85-$125 sliding scale for twelve classes
Dharma II – Intermediate/Beginner Yoga
When: Mondays 5-6:30
Where: Fayerweather Dance Room
Instructor: James Gardella ’12 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $50 for six classes, $85-$125 sliding scale for twelve classes
Power Vinyasa Yoga
When: Fridays 2-3:30, Sundays 5-6:30
Where: Fayerweather Dance Room 108
Instructor: Miles Bukiet ’11 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $50 for six classes, $85-$125 sliding scale for twelve classes
When: Monday 4:15-5:15, Thursday 7-8, Sunday 3:30-4:30
Where: Meet at Back Lobby of Freeman (by basketball courts)
Instructor: Findlay Walsh ’11 (
Class Fee: $10 drop-ins, $179 for 2x a week, $229 for 3x a week
*Note: All charges can be made to student accounts or paid in cash or check. Students who cannot meet these prices but still wish to take the classes should consult individual instructors to make other arrangements.
Questions? Contact WesWELL Fitness Class managers Sylvie Stein ( or Jesse Jacobson (
Want to be part of a dynamic staff team? Want to develop great leadership skills? Want to help your peers and shape the residential experience? Consider becoming a resident advisor (RA) or community advisor (CA). Learn more at an information session this week:
Monday, January 31, 2011: 8:00-9:00 p.m. in Nicolson Lounge
Tuesday, February 1, 2011: 8:00-9:00 p.m. in Butt A Lounge
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 8:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Fauver Apt Lounge (CA applicants ONLY)
Thursday, February 3, 2011 12:00-1:00 p.m. in Usdan 108
You can also check out the website for more information at . The deadline for all applications is Monday, February 7 at 4:00 p.m..
Still undecided about your choice of major? Wondering how your choice of major might impact your career direction after graduation? If so, join Jim Kubat, Sophomore class liaison at the Career Resource Center, and Shadia Goldstein, graduate intern at the Career Resource Center, for a discussion of the CRC’s point-of-view on the process of choosing an undergraduate college major from 12-1 p.m. Location TBA.
Liz Reyer, a contributing writer to the Hartford Courant, says in a Q&A (9/28/10) that practice is the key to being a good public speaker: “Know your goals as a speaker, prepare, get feedback, and practice, practice, practice! ” She says to “[s]tart by envisioning what success would look like. If you were in the audience, what would like to see? On the inside, how do you want to feel when you’re up in front of the room?”
Reyer notes that if confidence is an issue, strategies like visualizing yourself speaking successfully and learning pre-presentation breathing techniques can help you relax. Since a nervous presenter makes the audience nervous, conveying yourself confidently matters as much as being organized and presenting materials at the audience’s level. Presenting materials clearly and with good visuals also matters. The less text on your slides, the better, and avoid reading your slides, so that you can engage with your audience. None of this, however, replaces the substance of your presentation and your knowledge of it. But without good form, your audience may not get the substance.
So if you want to improve your public speaking skills, pick one or two of the skills above and practice, practice, practice—out loud and in front of a mirror or friend. And contact a Peer Advisor at for more public speaking tips.
Hockey Fest at Rentschler Field (East Hartford, CT)
Wesleyan vs. Trinity
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
4 p.m. – Women’s Hockey
6:30 p.m. – Family Skate
8 p.m. – Men’s Hockey
6 – 8 p.m. Reception
Event registration and details to follow. Any questions please contact Meghan Fay at