Hey 2013’ers,
Glad you’re back! Whether you went home, to a friend’s or relative’s, or stayed on campus, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving break and are ready to dive into the last two weeks of classes. I know it’s hard to believe that fall semester courses will end on Friday, December 10. While certain parts of the semester may seem to go slowly, the entire period seems, in retrospect, to have zoomed by. These last two to three weeks will telescope. NOW is the time to get super-organized work-wise, if you haven’t already.
The calendar for the rest of the semester is: 
- Reading Week: Saturday, December 11 – Tuesday, December 14 at 5 p.m.
- 2013 Study Break: Monday, December 13 from 9-11 p.m., 3rd floor Allbritton
- Finals: Tuesday, December 14 at 7 p.m. – Saturday, December 18
- Housing Closes: Sunday, December 19 at noon
THE LAST DAY TO WITHDRAW FROM FULL SEMESTER AND SECOND QUARTER CLASSES IS THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 AT 5 P.M. Talk with your professors to get a realistic sense of where you stand in your classes. If you decide to withdraw, get the form from the Registrar’s Office or mine. You will need to get the signature of the instructor and your faculty advisor before getting mine. That should not be a problem since you will be consulting with both of them prior to your decision to withdraw. I’d be more than happy to talk with you about it as well.
In addition to the great STUDY BREAK brought to you by the 2013 class council in two weeks, STAY TUNED for the 2013 DODGEBALL TOURNAMENT on Sunday, February 13 (with a new consolation round this year, so get your teams ready!) and MUSICAL MADNESS on Thursday, February 24. (For some reason, the class of 2014 thinks they have the chops to challenge the awesome and amazing talent in the class of 2013. What is that all about???)
As always, check the class blog (really) and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me either by e-mail (lsbrown@wesleyan.edu), by phone (x2758), drop-in (hours below), or appointment (x2758).
Best, Dean Brown