The Psychology Department is adding a second section of the introductory psychology course, Psyc 105 Foundations of Contemporary Psychology. It will be held on MW 11:00 a.m.-12:20 p.m., and will be taught by Visiting Prof. Stacy Fambro, who taught this course last year. You can enroll in this course during the Drop/Add period. Please attend the first class.
Class of 2013 Study Break! Tonight 9-11 p.m.
Cookies & Coffee for Crammers!
Monday, December 13 9-11 p.m.
Allbritton 311—top floor
Take a study break and get recharged with coffee, cocoa and cookies.
Decorate sugar cookies and gingerbread cookies with frosting and jimmies for yourself or to give to a friend.
Brought to you by the 2013 Class Council
Reading Period and Final Exams
Dear Students,
As the last day of classes approaches please take some time to consider your academic rights for Reading Period (Saturday December 11th to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday December 14th) and Finals (Tuesday December 14th at 7:00 p.m. to Saturday December 18th).
Final exams (meaning comprehensive examinations covering materials from the course of the entire semester) can only be given during the formal exam period. In courses without a registrar-scheduled final examination, significant final assignments such as final take-home exams, semester-long projects, and term papers must be due no sooner than the first day, and no later than the last day, of the exam period in which the registrar-scheduled exam would have occurred.
Student organizations should not schedule retreats, programs or meetings that require student attendance during Reading Period. Departmental, program, and college activities that require student participation should not be held during Reading Period, with the exception of oral and written examinations covered by alternative exam calendars. If a student has three or more final examinations on one day or four exams over two days, the student may request a rescheduled examination from one instructor.
For the full-written regulations for finals and reading period as well as other academic policies of the University please click here.
If you do not feel comfortable speaking directly to your instructor about any concerns you have about your academic rights, please contact your Class Dean.
Dean for the Class of 2014 – Marina Melendez ( ); Dean for the Class of 2013 – Louise S. Brown ( ); Dean for the Class of 2012 – David Phillips ( ); Dean for the Class of 2011 – Noel Garrett ( )
If you have any additional concerns or questions about exams, reading week or other academic issues please feel free to contact the WSA’s Academic Affairs Committee Chair or speak to any of your Academic Affairs Committee representatives.
Arya M. Alizadeh ’13, Chair ( ); Mari Jarris ’14, Vice-Chair ( ); Andrew Trexler ’14, Representative ( ); Stuart Pasch ’14, Representative ( )
Good luck and have a wonderful December and January!
-The Academic Affairs Committee
Useful Academic Links: Academic Calendar 2010-2011 Year, Fall Semester 2010 Exam Schedule, WSA Winter 2010 Elections, Student Disability Services, Unofficial GPA Calculator
Run for WSA! Candidate’s meeting 12/10
As the semester comes to a close, the Wesleyan Student Assembly is already looking forward to next semester. If you’re the sort of person who has great ideas about how to improve the University’s policies on financial aid, dining, alcohol policy, or academics, we would love to have you on the Assembly.
If you have the passion and energy to create a better Wesleyan for your fellow students, you should run for a seat on the WSA. Currently, there are ten available seats in the Winter election. The winter election is at-large, so it is open to all members of the Wesleyan community regardless of class year.
To run, grab a petition and collect 25 signatures from your classmates. The petition can either be picked up from the WSA Office in the Usdan University Center or downloaded from this site: A copy will also be attached to this e-mail. You may either submit your petition in the WSA Office OR at the mandatory Candidate’s Meeting on the following date and place:
Friday, December 10th at 6:00 pm in Usdan 108
You must also send a 150 word statement explaining why you belong on the WSA to by the above time and date. This statement will appear on the voting page.
If you cannot make the Candidate’s Meeting, please send a proxy in your place with an email to 24 hours before.
We hope you take this opportunity to get involved here at Wesleyan. Feel free to email with questions. Don’t wait–get involved!
Best, Nandita Vijayaraghavan, Ben Firke, and Arya Alizadeh, WSA Elections Committee
Sophomore-directed Play: Sense & Sensibility 12/9, 10 & 11
Want a way to celebrate the end of classes?
Come to Second Stage’s production of Sense and Sensibility, a play about two sisters left practically impoverished by their father’s death who must find balance between cold sense and wayward sensibility so that they both might find true love. Prepare for romance, intrigue and laughter as you enjoy this play directed by Jelisa Adair ’13 and Amara Davila ’13 and adapted to the stage by Jim Fay.
Tickets are available on the day of the performance from the box office–December 9-11, 8 p.m., ’92 Patricelli Theater.
2011 Morgernstern-Clarren Social Justice Award for Sophomores & Juniors
The Peter Morgenstern-Clarren ’03 Social Justice Award was created in memory of Peter Morgenstern-Clarren, who pursued social justice as a student at Wesleyan. His activism included securing benefits for Wesleyan custodial staff, participating in the United Student and Labor Action Coalition, and contributing his leadership to the campus chapter of Amnesty International. We are grateful to Dr. Hadley Morgenstern-Clarren and The Honorable Pat Morgenstern-Clarren for their generosity in sponsoring this award that honors their son’s activism for the public good. The committee will select the applicant who best embodies the pursuit of social justice. Sophomores and juniors in good standing are encouraged to apply.
To apply, please submit an essay that addresses the following:
- Describe in detail the most influential social justice effort in which you have played a leadership role that sought to make our local and/or global community more equitable. The work should directly affect the Wesleyan campus and/or an external community.
- Explain your role in raising awareness about a particular issue on campus, coordinating events, implementing programming and campaigns, etc., in the pursuit of social justice.
- While local efforts central to the Wesleyan campus are weighted equally with external efforts at home, on a national, or international level, students who have managed to link their local activism with a larger community are especially encouraged to apply. Please describe, in detail, how you have sought to synthesize local and external efforts.
Additional materials:
- Include a letter of support from a faculty member, administrator who was involved in your social justice effort or other person(s) (excluding family and close friends) with firsthand knowledge of your social justice activities
- Submit evidence of the impact that the effort had on its target community by contributing testimonies from individuals directly involved or who benefited (excluding family and close friends), printed programs/presentations/articles, non-print materials such as DVDs, and/or your work from courses.
Provide at least four copies of your application materials (print and non-print) to Dean Marina J Melendez (North College 215) by 5 p.m. on Feb. 28, 2011. By submitting your packet, you agree to allow the Office of Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity and Institutional Partnerships to use it for assessment, archival, and promotional purposes.
100 Projects for Peace Info Sessions — 2/7 & 2/8
Learn how to apply:
Tues., Dec. 7 at noon or Wed., Dec. 8 at 4 p.m. in Usdan 108
More info: or
The Next American Judaism — 12/6
On Monday, December 6 at 8 p.m. in 108 Usdan,
J.J. Goldberg, the Jewish Forward’s senior columnist, will be speaking on
“The Next American Judaism: Israel, Intermarriage and the Seinfeld Effect.”
The lecture is sponsored by Jewish and Israel Studies and the History Department.
All members of the Wesleyan community are invited.
Studying abroad as a PSYC major… — 12/9
Prospective Psychology Majors – Thinking of Going Abroad?
A Study Abroad Panel of psychology majors who have gone abroad will share their experiences with students interested in majoring in psychology to learn about study abroad from the perspective of a psychology major. They will talk about what experiences and programs worked well in their opinion and why, as well as any advice they wish to pass along to others about study abroad. The panel discussion will be Thursday, December 9, 12:00-1:00 pm, in Judd Hall Rm. 116, and pizza will be served.
Any questions, please contact Cathy Race,
Withdrawal Deadline Today at 5 p.m.
Today is the last day to withdraw from courses or from the University. You will need to submit your withdrawal form by 5 p.m. with the signatures of your instructor, faculty advisor and class dean.
Questions? Contact Dean Brown at