Study Abroad Session for Students interested in the Health Professions 1/28/11

“Study Abroad and the Health Professions”

Please join Director of International Studies Carolyn Sorkin and Health Professions Advisor Peggy Carey-Best for a conversation on studying abroad for students interested in medical, dental, nursing, or veterinary graduate school. Bring your questions!

Friday, January 28, 2011    12:00 – 1:00 p.m., Usdan 110

Writing Mentor Program–Apply for one by 2/1

Want a Writing Mentor? Apply Now!

Do you want a Writing Mentor? Then apply now! Your Writing Mentor will provide one-on-one tutoring to help you with papers and written assignments over the course of the spring semester, whether you need advice about generating ideas, structuring your essay, grammar issues, or even time management. The brief application is available online and is due on Tuesday, February 1st at 5 pm.

The program is free and available for all Wesleyan students!  Email writingworks@wes or call x2440 for more information.

Application Due: Tuesday, February 1st at 5 p.m.

Application link:


WesFest Intern Apps due 1/28/11

 Students of the Classes of 2012, 2013 and 2014:
As you look ahead to next semester, we hope that you will consider working with us in the Office of Admission as a WesFest Intern.  The WesFest Intern position is an opportunity for students to engage closely in the recruitment activities of the Office of Admission. Three positions are available and are open to members of the Class of 2012, 2013, and 2014 who are in good standing.
We seek hard workers who are mature, dependable, energetic, team players, have a sense of humor and are enthusiastic in representing Wesleyan. Responsibilities of WesFest Interns include: developing, coordinating and implementing activities for WesFest 2011 (April 14, 15, 16), phone and e-mail correspondence, and host recruitment and coordination.  This position is for the Spring 2011 semester, starting on Monday, February 7th and ending on Friday, April 22nd. Interns will work five hours a week from February to March and ten to twenty hours a week in April. Compensation will be based on campus work-study pay rates, although you do not need to be eligible for work-study to apply.
The application and recommendations are due Friday, January 28th, by 5:00 p.m. Interviews will be scheduled during the week of January 31st with final selection by February 4th . For additional information, please contact Stephanie Pruitt at Check your January 24th e-mail or contact the Admission Office for the application.

Stephanie Pruitt, Program and Events Coordinator
Wesleyan University, Office of Admission

Urban Education Semester Info Session — 2/14

Urban Education Semester, sponsored by Wesleyan’s CRC and the OIS
The Urban Education Semester (UES) is an interdisciplinary, academic immersion program in New York City which introduces students from all academic backgrounds to the complexity of issues facing urban public education.  Ideal program for students interested in teaching, public policy, community development or systemic reform.  Info session, Monday, Feb. 14. Time and place to be announced and on MyCRC calendar.

Interested?  Please contact Vicky Zwelling, Career Resources,  Gail Winter in Office of International Studies, or your class deans.

Dell Social Innovation Competition: Cast a Vote for Possibilities Pakistan!

Possibilities Pakistan, a project founded by three Wesleyan students, is requesting your vote in order to win $50,000 at the Dell Social Innovation Awards. Possibilities Pakistan was founded by Wesleyan students Ali Chaudhry’12, Kenny Feder’12 and Kumail Akbar’12 in April 2009.

Possibilities Pakistan ( is a non-profit organization, the first of its kind, that extends free college counseling to all Pakistani students who aspire to attend international universities. Our goal is to guide Pakistani students through the complicated application process so that they may ultimately find and be accepted to suitable top-notch foreign universities. Our project includes a free online guidance service and a one-hundred-and-fifty page e-magazine that lays bare the details of applying to college. The guidance service is run by a network of over 200 Pakistani and American students currently studying at renowned universities all over the world. When current Pakistani high school students have questions about applying to college, they simply e-mail our organization, and their queries are forwarded to appropriate members of our team who have faced similar problems before. Our magazine is a detailed walk-through of the college application process, with articles explaining the details of everything you need to know about getting into a foreign university. To date we have guided over 200 students and over 2500 students have viewed our magazine. You can help us grow further, by voting for us at:

Thank you!

AFSCME Internship & Scholarship Program

 Since 2003, the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), has partnered with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) and the Harvard Labor and Worklife program on a scholarship program for students of color who are sophomores or juniors and interested in fighting for social justice.  This exciting program provides students the opportunity to gain real hands on experience with organizing workers while earning a lucrative scholarship.Participants of this program are:

  • Placed on an organizing campaign for 10 weeks during the summer
  • Paired with an experienced organizer
  • Provided a $4000 stipend
  • Eligible to receive up to $5000 in scholarship funds
  • Provided a rental car, housing, and travel expenses covered

Ideal candidates:

  • Demonstrated leadership and interest in social justice issues
  • Student in good standing
  • Considering a career in the labor movement when they graduate

The deadline for applying is February 28, 2011 and is quickly approaching. Please distribute this information widely to students, professors, and student organizations to help us find ideal candidates for the program.

For more information please visit To apply visit If you have any questions please contact Philip Allen at

Sincerely, Philip Allen, AFSCME Education Coordinator

U.N. International Public Policy Fellowship Program — 2/1/11 deadline!

Institute for International Public Policy Student Fellowship Program The UNCF Special Programs Corporation’s Institute for International Public Policy (IIPP) Fellowship Program is now entering its 17th year. The Institute seeks to enhance U.S. national security and global competitiveness by promoting excellence, international service, and awareness among a representative cross-section of the American citizenry. IIPP also seeks to broaden access to international education and training opportunities for underrepresented minority college students.

Fellowship Components:

*  Sophomore Summer Policy Institute      *  Junior Year Study Abroad     *  Junior Summer Policy Institute     *  Summer Language Institute     *  International Internship     *  Internationally Focused Advanced Degree Program     *  Wraparound Student Services (academic, study abroad, and career advising)

 Eligibility Requirements – We welcome applications from undergraduate sophomores who:

*         Are enrolled full-time at an accredited, four-year baccalaureate-granting institution.

*         Are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents (documentary support required).

*         Will remain enrolled at their undergraduate institution for two years following their acceptance to the Fellowship.

*         Have a minimum 3.2 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale).

*         Have a strong demonstrated interest in international affairs.

*         Are an underrepresented minority (African American, Hispanic/Latino American, Asian American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander).

*         Plan to seek admission to an internationally focused advanced degree program.

Students from Minority Serving Institutions such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Other Minority Serving Institutions (OMIs) are particularly encouraged to apply.

 Application Deadline: February 1, 2011

 Website:<>  Contact:<>

And Classes Begin…


                    ENJOY THE START OF CLASSES &

                    THE NEW SPRING SEMESTER!