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A welcome back for the best class at Wes–
2013 Senior Barbecue!
Sat., Sept. 15 — 4-7 p.m. — Fountain backyards
Bring your blankets and frisbees, and enjoy a little grilled chicken or vegan dish and some great salads
Music by Smokin’ Lillies, DJ Brewster Lee & friends, & Bones Complex
A Senior Pass (yes, a Senior Pass) and a foosball table (yes, a foosball table) will be raffled off along with other cool stuff (yeah, like a Wes sweatshirt, 2013 t-shirt, and more)
Seniors ONLY, so bring your I.D. (required)
Lots of good co-sponsors for this event–2013 Class Council, Deans’ Office, ResLife CAs, UR
Woo hoo!