As the closing deadline approaches, The Office of Residential Life would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the proper check-out procedure. As you know, University housing for all non-graduating students closes at noon on Saturday May 15, 2010. All students not pre-approved for transition housing or extended stay must be properly checked out by that time.
In order to properly check-out you must:
- Return your residential key(s). If you have lost your key, please return your envelope with a note indicating
that your key has been lost.
- Completely vacate your housing assignment (room, apartment and/or wood frame) prior to noon on May 15, 2010. This means that all of your belongings must be moved out and are no longer in your Spring 2010 housing assignment.
Failure to do either of the above will result in a late check-out fee of $250.00 plus additional per diem and lock change charges as required. Residential Life staff will be checking all buildings to ensure that only students preapproved for transition housing and extended stay remain on campus past the closing deadline. The Office of Residential Life will be open for key drop off from 9am to noon on Saturday May 15, 2010. Additionally, students may leave keys in the key drop box, located on the High Street side of the glass walkway between North and South College. Please secure your key in a key return envelope so that we may correctly record that your key was returned. Key return envelopes were left in your WesBox on April 30th. Additional envelopes are available at the Office of Residential Life and in a bin on the left side of the key drop box.
Again to avoid an improper or late check-out fee be sure to completely vacate your housing assignment and return your residential keys by noon on May 15, 2010.