Get Your A+ On: Note Taking Workshop


THUR (2-18-10) 12:10pm – 12:55 pm Usdan B25 MPR


The skills and techniques covered in this workshop will help you discover the note taking method that works best for you. Do you ever have trouble creating, organizing, or finding class notes? Come to the Note Taking Workshop.

English Dept. Events — Feb. 10 & 11

English at Wesleyan

English at Wesleyan is sponsoring two very special creative events on Wednesday, February 10.  Both events showcase the creativity, energy, and fun we have in English at Wesleyan.

“How to Write a Love Poem That Doesn’t Suck,” February 10

Frosh and Sophomore English Department Valentine Week Event!

“How to Write a Love Poem That Doesn’t Suck” is actually the title of a poem and it is the perfect title for this creative event!  This first-time-ever writing workshop is just for frosh and sophomores, and it will introduce those who attend to the artfulness and energy of English at Wesleyan.  Frosh and sophomores interested in trying their hand at writing on the theme of love–poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction–can receive guidance from the EnthumbnailCANDE80Aglish Department’s exciting Creative Writing Concentration faculty:  Silverberg Shapiro Professor of Creative Writing and Coordinator of the Creative Writing Concentration Elizabeth Willis (poetry), Professor of English Deb Unferth (fiction), and Professor of English Lisa Cohen (creative non-fiction). Joel Pfister, Chair of the English Department and Kenan Professor of the Humanities, will introduce his talented colleagues.  It all takes place on Wednesday, February 10, 4:15 Downey Lounge!  Frosh and sophomores who love to write creatively (or who would love to try writing creatively) can write creatively about LOVE!  Go for it!  Groovy treats will be served! 

“Creating the Creative”: English Department Writers Read, February 10

For all members of our Wesleyan Community!

“Creating the Creative” is a provocative quote from Herman Melville’s experimental novel, Mardi (1849).  It can be argued that Melville here was referring to the creative energy of a literary text to keep generating meanings with readers and changing times.  Three inspiring and distinguished Wesleyan writers who have taught at Wesleyan will read from their work:  Kit Reed, Clifford Chase, and Douglas Martin (visiting writers Chase and Martin are teaching English courses this term).  They will be introduced by the English Department Creative Writing Concentration Faculty: Silverberg Shapiro Professor of Creative Writing and Coordinator of the Creative Writing Concentration Elizabeth Willis, Professor of English Deb Unferth, and Professor of English Lisa Cohen.  Joel Pfister, Chair of the English Department and Kenan Professor of the Humanities, will introduce the event.  So come see Wesleyan artists who create the creative on Wednesday, February 10, 8:00 Russell House!  Cool treats will be served!


English at Wesleyan Open House, February 11

The English Department’s Open House for prospective majors–interested sophomores and frosh–will be held the next day, Thursday, February 11, 4:15, Russell House.

Get Your A+ On: Various Skills Workshops Dec. 13

thumbnailCAFQ0QJCthumbnailCA47O4GLTime Management Workshop

Sun. 12/13 at 7 p.m., Exley 139

With exams and end-of-the-semester papers and projects rapidly approaching, managing your time well is more important than ever.  This workshop will help you begin to organize your time and prioritize your academic and co-curricular activities so that you can finish the semester stress-free.  Bring your 2009-2010 Wes Planner and your major deadlines.

thumbnailCAGR6RHGExam Preparation Workshop

Sun. 12/13 at 7 p.m., Usdan 136

 With finals approaching next Thursday, discover what methods will best aid your success in the closing weeks of the fall semester. The Exam Preparation workshop will cover the use of notes, studying, working in groups, and more.

Exam Taking WorkshopthumbnailCAPT7PMO

Sun. 12/13 at 8 p.m., Usdan 136

Each type of exam question – multiple choice, short answer, true-false, essay or other, requires a certain kind of approach or understanding. Obviously there is more than one way to approach each kind of questions. Come to the Exam Taking Workshop this Sunday and learn some of basics of test taking to help you stay cool, calm and collected during your exams!

Peer Advisor Academic Skills Workshops–Sunday

thumbnailCA47O4GLTime Management Workshop
Sun. 12/6 at 7 p.m., Exley 139
With exams and end-of-the-semester papers and projects rapidly approaching, managing your time well is more important than ever. This workshop will help you begin to organize your time and prioritize your academic and co-curricular activities so that you can finish the semester stress-free. Bring your 2009-2010 Wes Planner and your major deadlines.

Public SpeakingthumbnailCADIYE94
Sun. 12/6 at 7 p.m., Usdan 136
Those of you with poster sessions and final presentations will want to take advantage of this. Learn skills for speaking up, effectively, and efficiently to groups large and small.

thumbnailCACM6YZZExam Preparation
Sun. 12/6 at 8 p.m., Usdan 108
With final exams around the corner you need methods for preparing for the last few examinations of the semester. Determining important material, memorization, and other exam prep tools will be covered in this workshop.

Get you’re A+ on!

Note Taking Workshop — Dec. 3 at 12:15 p.m.

Do your class notes contain more doodles than useful info?

Do you always seem to be writing down the wrong thing, not what’s really important?

When you study from your notes, do they not make sense? 



THURS., DEC. 3 @ 12:15 P.M.   USDAN 108