Hey Class of 2013–Welcome back! I hope that you all are looking forward to a great spring semester! With the snow and sleet today, I’m sure you’re looking forward to sunny warm weather as well!
J-TRANSFERS: There are 14 January transfers joining the Wes community, 11 of whom are in the Class of 2013. They are coming from places as diverse as Bowdoin, USC, the University of Iowa, Bunker Hill Community College, and Washington University. Please WELCOME THEM and make them feel at home as part of your incredible, smart, talented and capable class (really, truly).
DROP/ADD: This period begins with the start of classes on Thursday, January 20 and concludes on Wednesday, February 2. Make sure your grading mode selection is correct!
MAJOR DECLARATION: As you look at your course schedule for the spring, make sure that you have the courses and pre-requisites needed to declare your major between Thursday, February 3 and Friday, March 4. Departments and programs will sponsor Open Houses between February 7 -25. I will send you the schedule once that has been confirmed. The Open Houses are a great opportunity to check out a major, meet the faculty, and ask questions. Also, Jim Kubat of the Career Resource Center will be doing another workshop on “Choosing Your Major” on February 2 at 7 p.m . in Usdan 108. Check out as well http://www.wesleyan.edu/deans/major_declaration/ .
OVERSUBSCRIPTION: One thing to keep in mind is the University’s regulation about oversubscription. In order to promote a liberal arts education, the faculty put into place a regulation that limits the number of credits in each department that can be counted towards graduation. The maximum number of credits is 16.00. If you have over 16.00 credits in any one department, you will be “oversubscribed” in that department and those additional credits (not necessarily those particular courses) will not count towards graduation. If courses are cross-listed, i.e., listed in more than one department or program, they will count towards oversubscription in all departments in which they are listed. This means that if you enroll in an AMST course that is also cross-listed as a HIST course, it will count in the HIST department as a credit for purposes of oversubscription. See the academic regulations at http://www.wesleyan.edu/registrar/AR.html . As long as you have as many credits over 32.00 as you are oversubscribed in a department, you are okay. However, you need to remain alert to where you are vis a vis the 16.00 credit limit in a department. Any questions? Come see me, and you will be hearing more about this from me as time goes on.
STUDY ABROAD: Check NOW for programs and deadlines that you have the slightest interest in. Due dates for apps are sooner than you think and it takes TIME to investigate all your options for the fall and/or spring of next year. Think about how where you go and how the courses offered may play into your potential major.
MUSICAL MADNESS: Yes, 2013 rocks and will prevail over all others at the third annual musical competition
between the classes on Thursday, February 24 at 7 p.m. The entry forms are on the class blog–https://classof2013.blogs.wesleyan.edu/. Enter solo or as an ensemble for an acoustic, electric or a capella set with an original or cover of any musical genre—from jazz to opera, from rock to hip hop. A faculty/staff/student panel of judges will award prizes for Best in Class and Best in Show. Get your act together and feel the love! Entry deadline is February 17.
COME SEE ME!: As always, don’t hesitate to come see me with any questions or concerns you may have—or just to chat—as you move forward into your fourth semester—or fifth semester for those of you who are December Completions 2012. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to and what you have been thinking about.
Glad you are back! Best, Dean Brown