Environmental Studies Mellon Research Internship — Feb. 19 deadline

thumbnailCAW6XNSLApplications are now available for the Environmental Studies Mellon Research Internship. You can obtain an application from our website (www.wesleyan.edu/environmentalstudies/ <http://www.wesleyan.edu/environmentalstudies/> ).

Internships are for a duration of 9 and a half weeks and carry a stipend of $3,900. The summer internship will run from May 26 – July 30, 2010, while the Fall internship would run the term of the semester.

Applications are due in the Environmental Studies Program Office (Exley Science Center, Room 331) on or before 19 February 2010. Internships are for either the Summer or Fall 2010. You must have 2 letters of recommendation submitted by that same date. One letter should be from your faculty mentor, the second from another member of the Wesleyan faculty. Awards will be announced by 5 March 2010.

The student application seeks two short letters of recommendation.  In addition to recommending the student, the faculty mentor must briefly (1-2 paragraphs) explain the project, its importance and relevance to her/his research program.  Letters of recommendation may either be sent to Ms. Marinelli through campus mail or by email (pdf preferred) to vmarinelli@wesleyan.edu.

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship — Meeting & Supper 1/29

thumbnailCAZT765LHave you considered earning a PhD and becoming a professor? Do you love research, and are you committed to helping to rectify the historical underrepresentation of African-Americans, Latino/as, and American Indians in U.S. colleges and universities and the disparities that result from that underrepresentation? If so, the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) may be for you. MMUF is a program that matches Fellows with faculty mentors and provides programming that demystifies academic careers and prepares Fellows for applying successfully to graduate school. Students are selected in the spring of their sophomore  year, participate in an intensive six-week summer session, and remain in the program during their junior and senior years. Much more information on MMUF is available at http://www.mmuf.org.

An information session will be held on Friday, January 29 at 6:00 PM in 403 Fisk. A light supper will be served. If you are interested but cannot attend, please get in touch with the Associate Coordinator, Renée Johnson-Thornton at rjohnson01@wesleyan.edu or 860 685-3084.


Projects for Peace Info Session

LAST INFO SESSION IS TUESDAY DECEMBER 15 at 6:30 p.m. in Usdan 110

Davis Projects for Peace Info Session — $10,000 GRANT!thumbnailCADLW1ZF

Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an info session.

100 Projects for Peace is an initiative for all undergraduate students at the Davis United World College Scholars Program schools (of which Wesleyan is a member) to design their own grassroots projects for peace that they themselves will implement anywhere in the world during the summer of 2010.  100 projects will be selected for funding at $10,000 each.  Wesleyan is guaranteed funding for one project.  

In addition, information will be shared about how to apply to get nominated for the Dell Social Innovation Grant — an award up to $50,000.

For more information: www.wesleyan.edu/ocs/grant.htt

Questions, contact Cathy Lechowicz: clechowicz@wesleyan.edu

Davis “Projects for Peace” Info Sessions

thumbnailCADLW1ZF100 Projects for Peace is an initiative for all students at the Davis United World College Scholars Program schools (of which Wesleyan is a member) to design their own grassroots projects for peace that they themselves will implement anywhere in the world during the summer of 2010.  100 projects will be selected for funding at $10,000 each.  Wesleyan is guaranteed funding for one project.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an info session.

In addition, information will be shared about how to apply to get nominated for the Dell Social Innovation Grant — an award up to $50,000.

Info sessions, all in Usdan 108:

Friday, December 4 at 4 p.m.
Monday, December 7 at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, December 9 at noon

For more information: www.wesleyan.edu/ocs/grant.htt

Questions, contact Cathy Lechowicz: clechowicz@wesleyan.edu