Celebrating Students 2013: Cory Meara-Bainbridge

IMG_1597This was the third summer that my youth-led community organizing education organization, The New York 2 New Orleans Coalition (NY2NO.org), led trips to post-Katrina New Orleans. This time it was bigger than ever, with 8 groups of 25 young people over July and August.  We worked with Our School At Blair Grocery (www.schoolatclairgrocery.blogspot.com) — a recently started community high school that also functions as an urban farm. Among their curriculum is a food justice unit and a Build Our Village Program, which empowers students with the physical and critical thinking skills to design and build their community as they want it.

However, as important as the work we did for the school was, we wanted to do more than just be volunteers who came and worked, and then went back to our lives. The problems that poor communities in New Orleans face — such as lack of housing, unequal public education, bad health care, and few jobs — were all present before Katrina, and were only exacerbated by the storm. What’s more, these problems exist all over the country, especially in our home in NYC. Our organization therefore trains youth organizers who can return and work on issues in their own communities. So along with handling logistics, I also got to spend this summer writing lesson plans and running workshops on organizing and anti-oppression topics.

                It is unquestionably the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done. But after three years of packed summers and other trips throughout the year, I luckily now have new young people to run the organization, and I have moved on. However, I am excited to be able to expand this work, starting with 6 Wes students, who will join Pitzer and Brooklyn College students in New Olreans this January.

Musical Madness

Calling all musicians and singers…


A Musical Competition Between the Classes


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Crowell Concert Hall

7 p.m.

Prizes for Best in Class and Best in Show

acoustic, electric or a capella

original or cover

ensemble* or solo


Stay tuned for more info…

*all performers must be in the same class year for ensemble entries

Davis “Projects for Peace” Info Sessions

thumbnailCADLW1ZF100 Projects for Peace is an initiative for all students at the Davis United World College Scholars Program schools (of which Wesleyan is a member) to design their own grassroots projects for peace that they themselves will implement anywhere in the world during the summer of 2010.  100 projects will be selected for funding at $10,000 each.  Wesleyan is guaranteed funding for one project.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend an info session.

In addition, information will be shared about how to apply to get nominated for the Dell Social Innovation Grant — an award up to $50,000.

Info sessions, all in Usdan 108:

Friday, December 4 at 4 p.m.
Monday, December 7 at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, December 9 at noon

For more information: www.wesleyan.edu/ocs/grant.htt

Questions, contact Cathy Lechowicz: clechowicz@wesleyan.edu

Usdan Photo Contest: Black, White & Color In Motion

Submissions due on next Mon., Dec. 7.

Want your photography to be the next to hang in the Usdan Center?


  • Eligibility: Open to all students of Wesleyan University.  All entries must be original work and created during the last two years.
  • Submit up to three photographs or by dropping them off on CD-Rom at 124 Usdan or sending them to thumbnailCALSTKOLtshiner@wesleyan.edu.
  • Include your name, class year, title and description of the photo(s).
  • Up to ten photographs will be selected for display. Decisions will be made by Dec. 15.
  • Selected photographs will be enlarged to 24”x36” (or largest size allowed by resolution of the original) and hung in Usdan common areas for the beginning of the Spring Semester. Please submit the highest resolution you can.
  • At the end of the show, artists will receive their enlarged print as a prize.
  • Copyright: Wesleyan University reserves the right to publish winning images in Usdan University Center printed materials related to the building.
  • Entrants must not infringe on the rights of any other photographer or person, or submit images that involve the willful harassment of individuals, wildlife or damage to the environment by the photographer.

Note Taking Workshop — Dec. 3 at 12:15 p.m.

Do your class notes contain more doodles than useful info?

Do you always seem to be writing down the wrong thing, not what’s really important?

When you study from your notes, do they not make sense? 



THURS., DEC. 3 @ 12:15 P.M.   USDAN 108


Food Drive Champions — 2013!

thumbnailCAUTU10OCongratulations to the Class of 2013 for donating the most food items to the Thanksgiving food drive for Middletown’s Amazing Grace Food Pantry.  Bon Appetit will be sponsoring a study for the class during finals, so keep your eye out for the announcements.

Congratulations also to the four lottery winners, whose names were drawn from among the donors in each class.  They are the recipients of a gift certificate to the Red & Black Café!

Thank you all for your contributions.

Barred Shakespeare — Dec. 3

Students from THEA 205, “Activism and Outreach Through Theater,” will be presenting pieces from their time spent atthumbnailCATSS4Z1 York Correctional Institute.  The students work with women from York on Shakespearean plays, this year “The Tempest” and “The Merchant of Venice,” creating connections between the circumstances of the lives of the characters and their own.  The pieces performed by Wesleyan students have all been written by women of York.  Recently released women from York who have participated in this course in the past will be in attendance and will participate in both the performance and question and answer section of the event.  No tickets required.

This is a service learning course taught by Professor Ron Jenkins.

Thursday, Dec. 3, 7 p.m.  at the CFA Hall

New FYI for Spring Semester

CCIV 117:  Eros the Bittersweet:  Love and Desire in Classical Antiquity   Prof. Eirene Visvardi     M &  W 1:10-2:30

eros1Eros, the god of love and desire in antiquity, was powerful, revered, and feared. The course explores the different faces of eros expressed in male and female desire in a variety of contexts. We will address questions of gender roles and sexuality in antiquity; how these are acted out in different social and religious institutions, including the symposium, female rituals, and marriage; and how the power and pleasure of eros are transformed in different poetic traditions and artistic representations from Homer to the poetry of drinking parties, tragedy, comedy, and philosophy, among others.

Adjustment Deadline: 12/1/09

thumbnailCA66YGAZReminder:  The last day to make adjustments this semester to your spring course schedule is today, Tuesday, December 1 at 5 p.m.  You will still be able to drop and add courses during the first two weeks of the spring semester.

Remember to submit your ranked enrollment requests!

Welcome Back, Class of 2013

I hope you had a good break and are ready to undertake the last two weeks of classes, which end on Monday, December 14.  The Final Exam Period begins the next day with two reading days, followed by two exam days on December 17 and 18, with two more reading days followed by the last two exam days on December 21 and 22.  If you are unsure of the exam schedule, talk with your instructors and check out http://www.wesleyan.edu/registrar/exam.htt.

thumbnailCA7HWN7RNow is a good time to plan out your coursework and study schedule for the next four weeks so that you can work at a good pace (i.e., not cram) to stay on top of course material, finish up papers and projects, and prepare for exams.  It also is a good time to review past exams with instructors and TAs, get a tutor, review class notes on a consistent basis, and head to the various academic skills sessions and Writing and Math Workshops. Check out the Peer Advisors’ blog at http://peeradvisor.blogs.wesleyan.edu/ for further tips and information.

We want you to be successful and to perform at your highest level!

Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Again welcome back!  Best, Dean Brown