2/15 Open Houses: AFAM, FGSS, NS&B, PHIL & RELI

Tuesday’s Open Houses! Meet the faculty, get your questions answered!

African American Studies
Tuesday, February 15 12:00-1:00 p.m. Pizza Lunch
Center for African American Studies Lounge, 343 High Street

Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Tuesday, February 15, 12:00–1:00 p.m. Pizza Lunch
Allbritton 311

Neuroscience and Behavior
Tuesday, February 15, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Lunch
Exley Science Center, Woodhead Lounge Room 184

Tuesday, February 15, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Lunch
South College, Lower Level, B2B3

Tuesday, February 15, 4:15-5:30 p.m. Refreshments
Religious Studies Seminar Room, 171 Church Street

Wes Hockey at Hockey Fest, Rentschler Field — 2/15; buy tkts 2/14

Last Chance for Tickets to the Hockey Fest!

 Wesleyan University vs.
Trinity College
Whalers Hockey Fest 2011
Rentschler Field, East Hartford, CT
February 15, 2011
4 p.m. – Women’s Hockey
6:30 p.m. – Family Skate
8 p.m. – Men’s Hockey
6 – 8 p.m. Reception
$15 per ticket (to be picked up at will call)
(ticket is for admission to Hockey Fest games all week (February 9 – 22) including access to the February 19th HARTFORD WHALERS VS. BOSTON BRUINS LEGENDS GAME – Sections 211 & 212)
Any questions please email Meghan Fay at mfay@wesleyan.edu

COE Internships!! Apps due 2/21

The College of the Environment internships allow students to undertake research on environmental topics under the guidance of a faculty mentor during the Summer or Fall, 2011.  The scope of environmental topics is meant in the broad sense and the research may be undertaken using techniques, approaches and paradigms from all majors or major programs.  Internships are available to Wesleyan Students across the entire University.

The summer internship will run from May 25, 2011 – July 29, 2011, while the Fall 2011 internship would run the term of the semester. Internships carry a stipend of $4,000.

The deadline for applications is due on or before Monday, February 21, 2011, allowing us to announce internship candidates by Friday, March 4th, prior to spring break. Student applications are to be delivered to Ms. Valerie Marinelli, Administrative Assistant, College of the Environment, 284 High Street.

The student application also requires two short letters of recommendation from Wesleyan faculty.  In addition to recommending the student, the faculty mentor must briefly (1-2 paragraphs) explain the project, its importance and relevance to her/his research program.  Letters of recommendation may either be sent to Ms. Marinelli through campus mail or by email (pdf preferred) to vmarinelli@wesleyan.edu.

To get the application, please stop by the College of the Environment, 284 High Street or check with any Administrative Assistant on campus who has received the email.

The applications, including statements by faculty, will be judged by the oversight and awards committee.

For further information, please contact Valerie Marinelli at (860) 685-3733.

Davenport Summer Study Grants

Davenport Study Grants 2011
Limited funds are available to support student research and other student scholarly projects in public affairs to begin this summer. Most of the grants will be concentrated in the social science departments and the CSS, but applications will be accepted from majors in all areas of the University as long as the proposed projects are related to public affairs.  Only current sophomores and juniors are eligible. All Davenport Scholars will receive a minimum of $500, as stipulated by the terms of the Davenport Bequest, but additional amounts of up to $2,500 may be awarded, with total awards normally not exceeding $3,000.

For detailed information about the application process, please consult the Davenport Grant website  http://www.wesleyan.edu/pac/davenport.html. The deadline for all application materials is noon, Friday, March 11, 2011.  Announcement of grant awards will be made on or before April 4, 2011.

EAST Open House — 2/10

Check out the Open House for EAST on Thursday, February 10!

Noon-1 p.m., Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies, 343 Washington Terrace. Chinese food for lunch.

Application Deadline for Wes-Sponsored Programs


This is a reminder that applications for Fall 2011 or Year 2011-12 for the Wesleyan-administered programs in Paris, Madrid, and Bologna are due TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2011 BY 5:00 P.M. This is a firm deadline and late applications will not be accepted. Applications must be turned in to the Office of International Studies, Fisk Hall 105. A complete application includes the following four items:

  • Application personal information sheets
  • 250-word essay in the appropriate language, explaining why you wish to participate on the program
  • Language evaluation form (to be completed by your current or most recent language professor)
  • Letter of recommendation from a non-language professor (may be sent through campus mail, delivered to our office, or sent as an e-mail attachment or as the text of an email to gwinter@wesleyan.edu)

The applications can be downloaded from our website at http://www.wesleyan.edu/ois/forms/application2.htt

Applicants to Wesleyan-administered programs must also complete the general Permission to Study Abroad Application which is due Tuesday, March 1, 2011. Completed general applications must be turned in to the Office of International Studies, Fisk Hall 105.

Gail Winter, Assistant Director, International Studies

GRS Begins…!

Amidst decisions about majors and studying abroad… 

The 2011 General Room Selection (GRS) process at Wesleyan University is about to start.  Remember, all undergraduate students are required to live on campus.  Therefore, if you will be a student at Wesleyan University in the fall of 2011, you MUST participate in the GRS process.

 Beginning Friday, February 11, 2011 at 12:00 (noon) you will be able to access the General Room Selection site and explore your housing options for the 2011-2012 academic year.  You enter GRS through your student portfolio by clicking on “Room Selection” under “Student Life at Wesleyan”. 

Please remember two important dates that are rapidly approaching.  All applications for Off-Campus Housing are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 18, 2011.  All applications for Program Housing and Community Based Living are due by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2011.

 You will be receiving many e-mails from the Office of Residential Life in the next few months as important dates draw near.  Please be sure to read all these emails, as well as the information contained in the GRS site.  You will not receive any hard copies of this information.  If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Residential Life by phone at 860-685-3550 or by e-mail at reslife@wesleyan.edu.