Because When God Is Too Busy: Haiti, Me and The World — A Performance by Prof. Gina Ulysse

 Because When God Is Too Busy: Haiti, Me and The World

A performance by Gina Athena Ulysse


How did Haiti–the enfant terrible of the Americas become the bete noire of the region? This dramatic monologue considers how the past occupies the present. Ulysse weaves spokenword and Vodou chants to reflect on childhood memories, social (in)justice, spirituality, and the dehumanization of Haitians. Ultimately, she offers critical musings on geopolitics from the perspective of a Haitian- American woman who is bent on loving Haiti, loving Vodou and herself despite the odds.

Followed by a faculty panel discussion with:

 Alex Dupuy, Sociology

Liza McAlister, Religion, American Studies, African American Studies

Gina Ulysse, African American Studies, Anthropology, Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Thursday, February 4 6:30-8:30 p.m.

CFA Hall