Fast-a-Thon Planning Meeting — 4:30 p.m. Monday

Do you remember last year’s Fast-a-Thon?

1200 Wesleyan students, faculty, staff, and local residents participated to raise over $14,000 for the local food pantry.
This is the one event on campus that is able to engage nearly half of the student body
This year’s Fast-a-thon will be even BETTER! 

If you’d like to help us with this year’s Fast-a-thon, join us at the meeting for volunteers:     

     What:   Fast-a-Thon 2011 Volunteer Meeting
     When:  Monday, November 7th, 4:30pm
     Where: PAC001

The idea behind the Fast-a-thon is to donate the points/meals that you would have eaten that day towards the Amazing Grace Food Pantry. Considering the catastrophic storm that hit Connecticut, and especially Middletown with great force, this event is all the more important to the community. 

We really need your help to make this year’s Fast-a-Thon a success! If you can’t make it to the meeting but want to help, send an email to Get excited, and we hope to see you there!The Fast-a-Thon Planning Committee
