Senior Exit Interviews and Financial Literacy Sesssions — 4/29, 4/30, 5/1

Dear Graduating Senior,

This email is to inform you of the exit interview process for student loans you have borrowed at Wesleyan.  All students who borrowed a Federal Stafford Loan, Perkins, or Wesleyan Loan are required to complete an exit interview for each loan type prior to graduation.  This process informs you of your rights and responsibilities as a loan borrower and your repayment options. 

There will be three loan exit presentations:

Monday, April 29, 2013: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013: 4:00 p.m. – 5:30pm

All three sessions will be held in Exley Science Center: Room 150.

These informational sessions are designed to provide you with repayment information for federal and institutional loans you may have borrowed while at Wesleyan.  Information on debt management, budget management, and default prevention, will also be presented at each session.  Representatives from the offices of Student Accounts and Financial Aid will be available to address your questions.

At the session, you will also receive your exit interview packet.  The packet contains a list of all the loans you have borrowed while at Wesleyan and instructions for completing the mandatory Federal Stafford, Perkins and Wesleyan Loan exit interviews.  If you cannot attend, your packet will be mailed to your campus address.  All exit interview materials must be completed by Friday, May 10,2013.  It is university policy to withhold both the diploma and official transcripts for any student who does not complete these mandated loan exit interviews.

Please mark your calendar and plan on attending one of these sessions.  Note that the sessions are NOT “drop-in” presentations; you should be there from the start in order to avail yourself of the information presented. 

Please contact any of the individuals listed below for any questions or concerns OR if you believe you have not received any loans while at Wesleyan OR if you have paid off your loans!


Jacqueline Outlaw, Assistant Director, Office of Financial Aid, (860) 685-3320,                                     Nancy McLees, Associate Director,  Office of Student Accounts,    (860) 685-2823,                         Margaret Neale, Department Assistant, Office of Financial Aid,  (860) 685-2862,