Month: March 2012
Summer CA & RA Positions! Apply by 4/6/12
Are You Looking for a Summer Job? Interested in Working with The Office of
Residential Life?
Well it’s your Lucky day!
We are now accepting applications for the Summer CA/RA positions. Apply by clicking the following link:
Applications are DUE Friday, April 6th, 2012 by 4pm!! APPLY TODAY!!
Peers Advisors for NSO ’12 Needed! App deadline 4/5/12
The Deans’ Office is looking for talented and motivated students to become SARN Peer Advisors for New Student Orientation (NSO), 2012. NSO Peer Advisors are juniors, seniors and exceptional sophomores, who work throughout orientation to support Wesleyan’s faculty advising program, and enhance student access to academic resources through the Student Academic Resource Network (SARN). A job description and application are found on-line at
Applications, which require a faculty reference form, are due Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Questions should be directed to the Associate Dean for Student Academic Resources, Sarah E. Lazare (x2332,
Honors in General Scholarship — App deadline 4/30/12
The Honors Committee now requires students who intend to pursue Honors in General Scholarship in their senior year to submit their application for review in the spring.
That means that UNIV majors or rising seniors who wish to pursue this route to honors must submit their application materials by April 30, 2012. The new process and requirements are posted at the following link:
CHUM Student Fellow — Fall 2012 or Spring 2013; App deadline 4/6/12
Student Fellowship Center for the Humanities
Calling Class of 2013
Application Deadline: April 6, 2012
Please visit and follow the Student Fellowship link for the application.
All members of the junior class are invited to apply for a semester-long Student Fellowship at the Center for the Humanities during the 2012-13 academic year. Wesleyan’s is among the first such university humanities centers established and serves to bring together Wesleyan faculty, students and visiting scholars for extended exploration of selected subjects. Our 2012-13 themes are “Temporality: Stasis, Repetition, Transformation” (Fall semester) and “Emplacing the Local” (Spring semester). Descriptions of these themes are available at the website above.
Four Student Fellowships are awarded by the Center’s Advisory Board for each semester. Student Fellows share an office at the Center and take part in Center activities. Among these events are the Center’s Monday lecture series; colloquial discussions on Tuesdays, 10:30-1:00; and occasional Center conferences. One course credit is awarded for a Student Fellow’s participation in the Center’s activities.
Applicants for a Student Fellowship must be planning to do a senior project (an honors thesis) on a topic related to a Center theme for the year. The project need not be underway at the time of the application. The themes, “Temporality: Stasis: Repetition, Transformation” and “Emplacing the Local” are broadly construed and connect with projects and problems across the disciplines. Faculty Fellows who will work at the Center during fall semester are Professors Cohen (English), Huge (Art and Environmental Studies), Rouse (Science in Society, Philosophy, and Environmental Studies), Tang (English and American Studies), and Weiss (Anthropology and American Studies). Faculty Fellows who will work at the Center during the spring semester are Professors Ahmad (Religion and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), Croucher (Anthropology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies), Garrett (English), Goldberg (Sociology), and Karamcheti (English and American Studies). There will also be several Visiting Research Fellows and Postdoctoral Fellows.
Applications for student fellowships are due at the Center by Friday, April 6. We will let you know of the Center Advisory Board’s decision by April 18. If you have any questions, please call the Center at extension 3044.
Lecture Commemorating One Year Anniversary of Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami — 3/8, 5 p.m.
Lecture: Tohoku One Year Later
Thursday, March 8, 5:00 pm at Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies
This event commemorates the anniversary of the March 11, 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. We are very excited to have two eminent speakers, Michael Yamashita of the National Geographic magazine, and Ted Bestor, Chair of Anthropology at Harvard and author of Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World. Both have visited northern Japan repeatedly since the disaster.
Instead of just seeing “the one photo” in Michael Yamshita’s slide lecture, you’ll see other, unpublished images of the same scene, giving a sense of the scale of the disaster. Michael Yamashita talked about taking off in a helicopter from near the Fukishima Nuclear Plant a few weeks after the disaster, flying north for 2 1/2 hours and seeing nothing but destruction. He had been to Kobe right after the earthquake there and said that in that disaster, some buildings failed but others withstood the shaking: he said after Tohoku everything was simply swept away.
Ted Bestor’s work on the Tsujiki Fish market (Tsukiji: The Fish Market at the Center of the World (University of California Press, 2004) is generally credited with saving that institution. His research on the state of northern Japan after the disaster highlights the devastation of the fishing economy which experienced a double hit: its physical plant wiped out by the earthquake and tsunami, and then its market devastated by fear of nuclear poisoning from water released during the meltdown of the Fukushima Plant.
For info contact Ann Gertz at X2300
Caption for image: March 11 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Measuring 9, biggest ever to hit Japan destroying the NE coast line cities and villages for 200 plus miles. Toshiya Kanaka, 79, doing the clothes he found in his house that was in the background. He now lives in a refugee center during the day but stays with his wife in a small workshop where he has gathered together all he needs to survive happily making knots with ropes he has recovered from wreckage. It’s a hobby of which he has many. A very resourceful man who challenges this to undo him. © Michael Yamashita
Health Center Hours during Spring Break
The Health Center will be open limited hours over spring break and both DHC and CAPS will have 24 hour on call providers available. Please see link for hours we will be open. Happy Spring Break one and all!
Joyce Walter, Director, Health Services
Spring Break Shuttles
Salutations esteemed comrades,
Just wanting to remind you all that shuttle tickets to and from New York, Boston, New Haven, and Bradley International Airport for Spring Break (March 9th-26th). More information about the shuttles can be found at and can be purchased at the box office during normal business hours and online at
Please let me know if you have any questions, Evan Weber, WSA Transportation Committee Chair,, (808) 224-0644