Where on Earth are We Going?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Two Presentations: 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Exley Science Center, Tishler Lecture Hall 150
The Energy Puzzle Will Not Be Tweetable: the energy puzzle in more than 140 characters
Lisa Margonelli directs the Energy Policy Intiative at the New America Foundation, a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C. She is the publisher of The Energy Trap (http://energytrap.org) and blogs frequently at The Atlantic web site. Her book Oil On the Brain: Petroleum’s Long, Strange Trip to Your Tank follows the oil supply chain from the gas station to oil fields around the world. |
The Future of Nuclear Power: following the fukushima disaster
Paul Gunter is a lead spokesperson in nuclear reactor hazards and security concerns. He acts as the regulatory watchdog over the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the nuclear power industry. He is a 2008 recipient of the Jane Bagley Lehman Award from the Tides Foundation for environmental activism for his work on the nuclear power and climate change issue. Mr. Gunter was a cofounder of the antinuclear Clamshell Alliance in 1976 to oppose the construction of the Seabrook (NH) nuclear power plant through nonviolent direct action that launched the U.S. antinuclear movement. An environmental activist and energy policy analyst, he has been an ardent critic of atomic power development for more than 30 years. |
Free and open to the public.