If you are not one of the following, please read on:

  • ·         Studying Abroad
  • ·         Accepted a Program House or CBLV bid
  • ·         Will be a CA or RA next year, or living with a CA
  • ·         Selected a Copenhagen
  • ·         Not returning to Wesleyan

All students need to be registered for GRS by Monday, April 11, 2011 by 11:59 p.m.  We cannot make any exceptions for students who register late.  If you do not register by Monday, April 11, 2011 by 11:59 p.m., you will not be able to go through GRS and will be placed on a waitlist for an assignment over the summer.

How to Register:

  1. 1.       Log into your Portfolio
  2. 2.       Find “Student Life at Wesleyan”
  3. 3.       Under  “Student Life at Wesleyan” locate “Room Selection”
  4. 4.       On the Right side of the screen you will see a large GRS page – you must scroll down and accept the Housing Contract and Lead Paint Agreement before you register (two pink button)
  5. 5.       Next, in the bottom left corner you will see “Administrative Options”
  6. 6.       Look for “General Room Selection”
  7. 7.       If you are going through GRS as an individual or starting a GRS group, you will click on “Create New Group” .   If you are an individual – you are considered a group of 1 and have to register
  8. 8.        If you are joining a group you need the groups GRS number (a number starting with GRS).  You will select “Add to a group” and you will be expected to enter the GRS number to find the established group, including the letters GRS.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at or 860-685-3550.