Get ready. It’s back. The Second Annual Dodgeball Tournament.
Relive the rivalries! The winning team of this year’s single-elimination tournament will get 1/3 of the proceeds and the other 2/3 will go to relief efforts in Pakistan and Japan. Last year, over 40 Wes teams played and this year, we’re aiming to raise even more. The more who play, the more who pay. There will again be a prize for the team with the most creative attire.
NEW THIS YEAR: Consolation bracket! More games for your $$$ and a chance to win a consolation prize!
1. Grab up to 5 other Wes friends to join your team.
2. Fill out an online form here: ***BY MARCH 30***
3. You will receive an email by April 1 with your scheduled time of arrival and the official dodgeball rules.
4. Your team’s $20 entry fee is due by the 3rd.
Throw balls at people. Win stuff ($$$). Support relief efforts in Pakistan and Japan. Have fun and help others!
*Hosted by the 2013 Class Council*