Our Dear Wesleyan Community,
Have you ever spaced out staring at your computer screen, feeling your eyes glaze over as you come back to reality to
realize that fifteen minutes have gone by during which you have no idea what happened?
Have you ever been in the middle of an intense discussion with a friend when all of a sudden one of you gets a text message, abruptly stopping the conversation and leaving you both wondering what could have been?
Have you ever wanted some time alone to relax with your thoughts and a guitar but weren’t able to because of incessant facebook messages, facebook chats, facebook posts, calls, texts, emails, BBMs, and gchats that all claimed to be the most important thing in your life?
Well, we have and we think it’s about time we do something about it. This coming weekend, from Friday night to Saturday night, February 11-12, we are encouraging the whole Wesleyan community (i.e. YOU!) to join us for a Day of Unplugging—to go electronics-free for 24 hours to reconnect with people on a human, face-to-face, no distractions level.
We will be tabling in Usdan all this week to give everyone an opportunity to sign a personal pledge to unplug with us. If you pledge and give a donation (however much you can) to Oddfellows Playhouse, you will receive a voucher for a very snazzy t-shirt (promise!) that is redeemable at the beginning of the opening ceremony, which will be held on the main floor of Usdan on Friday at 6 pm.
When you sign up, you will also receive a list of suggested activities that you can do sans electronics on the day itself, including meditating outside (it’s supposed to be relatively warm!), attending a jam session at Earth House at 4 pm on Saturday (no musical talent required), and cooking for the potluck dinner that will be hosted at Earth House at 6 pm on Saturday as an end to the Day of Unplugging.
Here is a link to a video we made to give you an idea of what some of your fellow Wes students think about unplugging: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MLPOptQt94
We hope you enjoy your stress-free day and we look forward to seeing you all!
Lots of love, Just Some Wesleyan Students