Clinton Global Initiative Opportunity

Building on the successful model of the Clinton Global Initiative, President Clinton launched the Clinton Global ClintonInitiative University (CGI U) in 2007 to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the world. CGI U’s driving philosophy is that anyone, anywhere can make a difference through a Commitment to Action—a tangible contribution towards solving a specific problem on their campus or in the wider global community. Each year, CGI U hosts a meeting for students, national youth organizations, and university officials to discuss solutions to pressing global issues.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to apply to attend CGI U 2010, where you will join President Clinton, 1200 students, nearly 100 college and university presidents, NGOs, national youth organizations, athletes and celebrity-activists to discuss global problems! Over the three-day meeting, attendees will participate in forums and working sessions to formulate new ways to make a difference.

CGI U 2010: APRIL 16-18, Miami, FL.

Apply Now to Attend CGI U 2010

Space is filling up quickly for the third annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U). Recently confirmed speakers include Grammy-winning artist Usher Raymond and John Podesta, President and CEO of the Center for American Progress. CGI U is hosted jointly by President Clinton and the University of Miami; applying and attending are FREE.  The deadline for applications is February 22, 2010, but we accept students on a rolling basis so apply now!

Thanks, Ali Khalid Chaudhry (, CGI U Campus Rep – Wesleyan University”