I hope you had a good break and are ready to undertake the last two weeks of classes, which end on Monday, December 14. The Final Exam Period begins the next day with two reading days, followed by two exam days on December 17 and 18, with two more reading days followed by the last two exam days on December 21 and 22. If you are unsure of the exam schedule, talk with your instructors and check out http://www.wesleyan.edu/registrar/exam.htt.
Now is a good time to plan out your coursework and study schedule for the next four weeks so that you can work at a good pace (i.e., not cram) to stay on top of course material, finish up papers and projects, and prepare for exams. It also is a good time to review past exams with instructors and TAs, get a tutor, review class notes on a consistent basis, and head to the various academic skills sessions and Writing and Math Workshops. Check out the Peer Advisors’ blog at http://peeradvisor.blogs.wesleyan.edu/ for further tips and information.
We want you to be successful and to perform at your highest level!
Any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Again welcome back! Best, Dean Brown